Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Memories From Last Finals Week . . .

We had to read Lady of Chelot (sp?), and all kinds of other amazing and heavy stuff, and . . .

. . . yes, it was arduous: for British Lit killed me!

But, we didn't let death stop us! For we plugged away until the bitter end and . . .

. . . then got to celebrate! Mmm! Sweet victory . . . (and, yes, we all passed. ;) )
(Yes, I'll got study now! Sheesh . . .)
Two Finals Down . . .
. . . And three to go! (Yes, I'm actually taking them. ;) ) American Lit and Theology are done, next is History of English in which I will make a presentation, then tomorrow I have grammar (all together now, "Ewwww!!" I may be an English major, but I DESPISE grammar) and New Testament (love that class!). Then, tomorrow at approximately noon, I WILL BE DONE!! Then, it is off to my next sewing lesson where I will make pink pom pom pillow cases. Woo hoo! Hanging out with me for Christmas, you might get one! ;D Ahhh, the joys of taking a break . . . or procrastinating, however you want to look at it. ;) Gotta eat breakfast, and then I'll finish my presentation. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Comments you'd hear from me lately:
*I've already passed all my classes; can I just skip finals??
*What can I cook up to go home early for Christmas? It's my sister's birthday . . . the Saturday after finals . . . I'll work it!
*To my friends: "Let's all go iceskating!! Oh, right, you're all studying . . ." (actually, I find the less I study, the better grades I get! :D )
*Well, my dorm room had to be decorated for Christmas . . .
*Studying while constantly keeping my eye on the clock: "Ope! I think it's time to eat again!" The book flies down. (See, I do study. ;) )
*To my friend's parents the day before Thanksgiving break: "Good thing Candace* and I planned on dressing like Pride and Predudice characters--it's the only reason we attended classes today!
Gotta love a senior. :)
*Name changed to protect the guilty. hehe ;)
*I've already passed all my classes; can I just skip finals??
*What can I cook up to go home early for Christmas? It's my sister's birthday . . . the Saturday after finals . . . I'll work it!
*To my friends: "Let's all go iceskating!! Oh, right, you're all studying . . ." (actually, I find the less I study, the better grades I get! :D )
*Well, my dorm room had to be decorated for Christmas . . .
*Studying while constantly keeping my eye on the clock: "Ope! I think it's time to eat again!" The book flies down. (See, I do study. ;) )
*To my friend's parents the day before Thanksgiving break: "Good thing Candace* and I planned on dressing like Pride and Predudice characters--it's the only reason we attended classes today!
Gotta love a senior. :)
*Name changed to protect the guilty. hehe ;)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Back In Time . . . As Emma

My talented friend Crystal and I decided to toss the books and have fun this weekend, so we made (well, at least I ironed...and learned ;) ) this beautiful Jane Austen dress above. Tomorrow we are going to come to school as Jane (me--and another time I'll take on the role of Emma) and Lizzie Bennett (she gets the starring role because she has darker hair! :) ). Fun!

Here you can see more of the intricate lace work. We even had enough of this lace left over to make chokers. :)
Friday, November 04, 2005
Mary Kay-- ooo, la la!
I have been attending a multitude of MK classes in the past few weeks and learning a lot -- as well as having a lot of goofy pictures taken of my friends and I, most of which will NOT be disclosed here . . . ;) I attended this particular class with my friend's 82-year-old grandmother--what a peppy kick! I guess that back in the 1940s-'60s or so she made her way as a makeup artist and photographer. How cool is that! I need to get some '40s make up tips from her!

Mua and Crystal -- ooo ooo!
Mary Kay ;), mua, Crystal, Andrea (I feel so. . . tall :) YES!)

Mua and Crystal -- ooo ooo!
Mary Kay ;), mua, Crystal, Andrea (I feel so. . . tall :) YES!)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Knock, knock ...
Yes, I want to know who's there. :) Is anyone reading this blog? Would be good to know so I know whether or not to keep it up. Mostly all I'm seeing are icky ad posts. :p
Friday, October 21, 2005
Hangin' with Coach Carter

Seen the movie? This is the real Coach Carter ... and I ... :) today. I worked at his local paper in the sports dept. when he benched all of his players due to academics (which is what the movie focuses on).
And this weeks "O.J.'s Radical Act of Randomness"?!! :
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Olivia Needs ...

Call it "the biggest exam of the century is over and I need some goof time before I begin studying again," but I decided to take the advice of my friend Nicole and type "Olivia needs" in Google to see what happens (apparently, I need love!). AND, the top eight are! :
1) Olivia needs knee high socks, the cable knit type for winter.
2) Olivia needs is to call attention to herself--or to get involved with anyone.
3) Olivia needs to marry in order to meet the terms of her grandfather's will, and Drew needs the timber on Olivia's land in order to supply his sawmill.
4) Olivia needs to know about Neil being there, Brad calls Olivia.
5) Olivia needs to completely put Noah to rest in order to fully love Carl.
6) Olivia needs money while staying with John-Boy.
7) Olivia needs your prayers more than ever now. ...
8) Olivia needs to learn her alphabet and identify colors beyond red next. Have we had enough of Olivia?
Nope, I'm still here! hehe :) This was fun ... Buts, I gotsago study now. :p :) Bye.
Hangin' At Cal

What with fun stories from my sister and actually hanging out, I am beginning to be immersed into the Cal swim culture. As the photographer of (the online paper my parents own) and Bottomline Aquatic's (Cal coach Mike Bottom's business) Olypian Clinic, I got to hang out again at Cal with the swimmers and staff (L-R, Dash Rothberg, gold medalist at the Maccabean Games, Cal Assoc. Head Coach and Olympian Mike Bottom, volunteer for Cal Men's Team Holly Johnson (my sister), Olympic medalist Bart Kizierowski, mua, my brother Jonathan and his water polo teammate Tony). What is super exciting, too, is that my sister who volunteer coaches at Cal was also asked by Bottom to help coach the Olypian clinic. Got some groovy photos of that! My premise is that, despite homework, your life can still be FUN and ADVENTUROUS!! :) And, then Christmas vacation roles around!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Garden Party

I finally figured out how to publish my own photos on here (yippee!). Uncamera-click-ready, I'm looking a little dazed, but Carrie looks fab, so I'll sacrifice my image. ;) I still have yet to blog about my very fun and girlie b-day garden party back in August. Full of laughs, fun and food we made friends act like they were putting on makeup, impersonate Looney Tune characters, fess up to owning some verrryyy interesting items and tell random secrets about themselves. All that while eating amazing food (some of us trying sushi together for the first time--woo, strong!) and doning what women do best, chat, chat, chat. :) It was very beautiful with dainty flowers, bunt cake and lots of china and crystal. We were supposed to enjoy tea, but, i'twas a bit hot that day. Oh, well, we had a lovely time looking at each other's beautiful tea cups anyway. :)
To the left is one of my absolutely lovely friends from Virginia, Carrie (who just moved to NorCal! Woooo!)--I am SO super excited she got to be there. Thanks to all of you who helped this day become a very special memory. *hugs* XOXO Ya'll are FAB-ulous!
I Got My Ears Pierced!
For two weeks now I have been admiring the diamond-like daisies ("the most friendly flower") in my ears. Twenty-seven years old and never been pierced. Guess the threat of infections scared me off--but not anymore! Too many stinkin' cute earrings to grace my look. :) When learning that these were my first piercings, someone yesterday asked me, "Where've you been?!" Guess I've just taken one more step into truly living ... ;)
Friday, October 07, 2005
Home Cookin'!
Back home on break. Break also from my mini-fridge and limited food supply. Food variety and mama's home cooking! Puts a whole new spark to life. :) Anyway, you need to go check out my new MySpace page (my teenage brother told me it was the hip things to do and ... all my friends are doing it...!): . It's not all html beautified or anything yet, but maybe soon. Going to go check out beautiful appartments today (can we say "senioritis!"?). And, to answer the questions of those east coast chics and gents who check out my MySpace pg. ... good question, Sunshine: no, I did not go to Virginia this year (can we say, "college budget!"?)--that photo was taken last year. Well, have a merry day and good night!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Do Ya Really Gotta Use #2 Pencils??
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Why Do People Always Look Better in Black & White?
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Trouble Sleeping?
I'll lay in bed at night with mind jogging to this or that, not able to find that comfortable spot and just so stinkin' frustrated that I can't sleep. Now, why I learned the following amazing piece of knowledge only the other day, I have no idea. You'd think one would impart these things to another at the age when their homework begins piling up... But, I digress...onto that jewel of needed information: if you do anything in your bed other than sleep (or before sleep rituals such as reading or journaling) then when you hit the sack at night, your mind will automatically click in: "bed= information processing (e.g., homework, work prep, finances)," instead of "bed= sleep." I heard that from two sources in the space of two days recently and decided to pay heed to the idea. No more studying, etc., in bed. And, guess what, it's paid off! Now when the cows are called home and the roosters are in the coop (or the teachers are called home and the students are in the dorm) I can doze off nearly right away instead of 30 minutes to an hour later. (God rocks!) Just thought I'd let you restless sleepers in on this helpful hint! Now, what to do about these hard dorm room chairs ...
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Peanut Butter, Bolthouse and Satellite TV's
*I am currently sitting here in my dorm room eating peanut butter. And, being that I was allergic to peanut butter for absolute years, I am thourouly enjoying myself ...
*As of this summer, my new favorite drink is Bolthouse's Perfectly Protein (Vanilla Chai Tea w/ Soy) and it comes highly recommended by your's truly who currently feels addicted to it (it's, like, better than having StarBucks in your house!). Now, where I know soy is not good for you (it can cause cancer--yet I've decided EVERYTHING is bad for you and EVERYTHING is good for you) a little of it occasionally shouldn't hurt too bad, either. ;) I just finished my bottle of it this morning for breakfast.
*I'M SO ANNOYED WITH THE SPAM I NOW HAVE IN MY COMMENTS!! That's all I have to say about that.
*My roomie and I (I love having a roomie) decided that toward the end of the school year (we're both in our senior year), because we won't really most of these people anymore, we are going to sit out by the parking lot (maybe in one of our car's) with a blow drier creating the illusion that we are radaring people's speeds as they drive by ... Gotta love the random life of a college student!
*Now I just can't wait 'til my roommate returns from her jog so that we can go make our Saturday morning smoothies! :D Yum!
*I'M SO ANNOYED WITH THE SPAM I NOW HAVE IN MY COMMENTS!! That's all I have to say about that.
*My roomie and I (I love having a roomie) decided that toward the end of the school year (we're both in our senior year), because we won't really most of these people anymore, we are going to sit out by the parking lot (maybe in one of our car's) with a blow drier creating the illusion that we are radaring people's speeds as they drive by ... Gotta love the random life of a college student!
*Now I just can't wait 'til my roommate returns from her jog so that we can go make our Saturday morning smoothies! :D Yum!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Without my computer for a week, posting became a bit difficult. School was also a bit more difficult without my computer ... ;) Yes, I am at school now. And without my car for a couple of days, as well (I lost my keys...very interesting story ...). Things are now moving along pretty swimmingly, about as smoothly as school and an existence outside of school can go. :) I'll try to post something interesting later because I'm feeling guilty for not doing homework at this moment. hehe Anyway, hey and toodle-oo from my world to your's!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Creeping Up
It's funny that the more busy I am the more I blog. hehe I'm sitting out in the cottage with more packing to do, but blogging while listening to "My Boyfriend's Back" sounds better. ;) "wa-oooo, wa-oooo ..." Anyhoo, I'm working on detailing my convertable--spent like 45 min.-hour practically perfecting the hub caps alone :) (just added my Curious George floor mats, Hawaiin flowers on the mirror and California surfer plate).
Speaking of cars, I thought I'd weigh in on the gas price discussion--IT'S RIDICULOUS!! Especially when we live in CA and, because of our state's clean air standards, our gas is specially made. In other words, Katrina has nothing to do with our climbing prices. And, don't give me the, "it's because of the world market," bologna. I'm thankful that a CA politician is working on uncovering this scandal, one he belives is truly "looting." Amen! I did find gas out here for as low as $2.89 (of course it was all sold out), and other places for under $3. I REALLY, REALLY feel sorry for the rest of the country, as well, and my prayers are with them. I can't believe it all...well, I can...but, I still can't. ( :) )
ANYway, I've got a long drive ahead of me tomorrow, but I guess the fact that God is in charge of my finances, the better gas mileage and COOLNESS of my new car will help my roadtrip up there be fret-free. :) Plus, my sister and roomie are heading up with me in another car (girl time ahead!) All's good. Happy trails!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
A Minuteman In My Family
Monday, August 29, 2005
... And Counting ...
In some ways I'm excited and in others nervous--one more week 'til I move back to school. But, if all goes correctly, I'll be graduated in 9 months! Which gets me thinking, when I can toss all my school books and crumple all my notes (I really do like to learn, not just for grades ;) ), where do I want to move? As I was mentioning to my friend Carrie the other day, I'm thinking about the Sac area because SO many of my friends live there. HOWEVER, I would also ADORE to live near the beach, and since San Mateo's apartment prices are for some strange reason so low, I'm thinking about moving there as well. Well, I don't have to perform grade wise for financial aide any more and the world's one big open place, one huge adventure! And, off I go in one week. Lots to do ...! :)
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Me In Cartoon Form
Monday, August 15, 2005
"So, George, How's the Weather?"
Yes, how is the weather? Good question. Is it summer or winter? My slight sun burn tells me it is summer, however the out of doors are shouting rain. Being that we don't live in the midwest, this is strange. It's been like this all summer actually. At the county swim meet Saturday our umbrella continually blew over due to high, freezing winds. But, the next day I got my sun burn. I am very glad for a cold day again today, being that we just came out of an intense heat streak that lasted for nearly a nearly one month stretch. And, I've always been glad it nearly always cools way down in the evenings--nice for night time porch lounging. :) All of this is weird, tho.
Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, I had a very random, weird, but good birthday. Enter in 27.
Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, I had a very random, weird, but good birthday. Enter in 27.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Olivia the Band's Debut on This site ... and More Randomness
1) Walking back from the mail box with the days deliveries, I began scanning the cover of my brother's newly arrived mag, Breakaway. "Wow, he's pretty cute," I thought. "So is he ..." Shifting my eyes down to the bottom of the cover my face registered shock and then excitement. Walking into the house I exclaimed, "There's a new band called 'Olivia'! I want to interview them!" No one EVER uses my name for anything, and all the band members are surfers from Hawaii who are my age and play totally sweet rock music! How perfect. Check them out here! :D
2) Wilma Flinstone could never be a real woman ...
3) Got to celebrate another completely random holiday, as I love to do. My sister and I caught up with my parents last night at our community's celebration of National Night Out--complete with free ice cream! :)
4) I want to own my own film production studio--I think I could supply, with all my friend's, sister's and my story ideas, enuf movies for it--all while bringing a whole new wholesome GOOD STORY era to Hollywood!
5) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is currently in the next city over ... How exciting!
Weeeeellllllll, Debedee, Debedee, Debedeeeee, that's all for now, folks!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Congrats to My Sister!!
I would like to publically congratulate my sister for her work with Cal Aquatics. This summer Holly has been shadowing under the world's top sprint coach, Mike Bottom, helping Cal's men's swimming team gear up for the World Championships--and the guys are stroking to high placings, including golds and silvers. Woo hoo! She's a great helper and is learning a lot. Love you, girl--and good job!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Bread with a Bite
While unloading groceries this afternoon into the freezer, I read the label on one of the loafs of bread: "Great-White Bread." Boy, better off keeping that one in the freezer--yikes! Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun, dun, DUUUUUUN!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hangin' Out In the Freezer
You know summer weather has finally hit when people start campin' out in their freezer. Chatting with my sister in the kitchen earlier this week, her head all of a sudden disappeared, like an ostrich into the sand, when she stuck it right into the freezer. Same thing happened when I was talking to my mom yesterday ... I've even done it. (We don't have AC, just fans.) Thank the Lord He has answered my prayers, tho: this summer has not really been hot with the exception of this week. But, I believe it's just a hot spell that will pass ... Fhew! For, as refreshingly cold as the freezer is, it's just not that ... comfortable ... ;)
With plenty of ice to go around-- O.J. =:-D
With plenty of ice to go around-- O.J. =:-D
Thursday, July 07, 2005
You Can Now Post a Comment
I set my blog up so that annonymous readers could post comments to my threads, but for some reason it changed. I have now set it back so that annonymous users can post comments again. Sorry! All better now ... :)
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Dumb Blonde in A Red Car
Since I was little I've always been one to lock car doors, in bad areas, in safe areas, in covered cars and ... in convertables? Force of habit. Running an errand for my parents on Saturday I stopped at ACE to pick up a flag holder. Stepping out of the red convertable I let the airy feeling reign and left the top down. About to push the heavy door closed, I flicked the automatic lock and began strolling toward the store.
An elderly gentleman then called out, "Miss!"
I turned to look at him, "Yes?"
Smiling, walked up to me. "Do you find it helpful to lock your convertable door when the top is down?" Still smiling good naturedly.
"Oh! Force of habit ..." I giggled embarrassed that he caught me.
What I didn't tell him was that I had quickly realized what I'd done (however, I usually don't notice and usually have to unlock the converable, chiding myself...) and switched it back to unlock. When I got back to the topless, however, I realized it was still locked ... hehe I guess I am just a dumb blonde! (at least I have an excuse ...)
An elderly gentleman then called out, "Miss!"
I turned to look at him, "Yes?"
Smiling, walked up to me. "Do you find it helpful to lock your convertable door when the top is down?" Still smiling good naturedly.
"Oh! Force of habit ..." I giggled embarrassed that he caught me.
What I didn't tell him was that I had quickly realized what I'd done (however, I usually don't notice and usually have to unlock the converable, chiding myself...) and switched it back to unlock. When I got back to the topless, however, I realized it was still locked ... hehe I guess I am just a dumb blonde! (at least I have an excuse ...)
Monday, June 27, 2005
It Come Allll Da Way From Seattle!
O.J.'s Random Acts continued ...
I've always found it amusing when I'm, say, in D.C., to remark, "My, my, I haven't brushed my teeth since I've been in Chicago!" or in Baltimore to say "Golllly! I haven't eaten since I've been all the way across the continent in San Francisco--I'm starved!" I guess this is because I'd never experienced such speedy means of travel until I was 16 and loving my first, and long-awaited, plane flight. Before that I'd only ever been outside California twice--to cross a little over the boarder of Nevada just to say I did. :) So, when my sister called me while on a recent lay over in Seattle and asked me if I wanted her to buy me anything I answered, "Ohhh, just a post card, I suppose." Then, thinking for a moment, I changed my mind, "No! How about buying me something to eat... Then, I can say, I ate fare that was in Seattle this very day when I'm allll the way down here in San Francisco!" Life is full of simple pleasures ... ;) Love it.
I've always found it amusing when I'm, say, in D.C., to remark, "My, my, I haven't brushed my teeth since I've been in Chicago!" or in Baltimore to say "Golllly! I haven't eaten since I've been all the way across the continent in San Francisco--I'm starved!" I guess this is because I'd never experienced such speedy means of travel until I was 16 and loving my first, and long-awaited, plane flight. Before that I'd only ever been outside California twice--to cross a little over the boarder of Nevada just to say I did. :) So, when my sister called me while on a recent lay over in Seattle and asked me if I wanted her to buy me anything I answered, "Ohhh, just a post card, I suppose." Then, thinking for a moment, I changed my mind, "No! How about buying me something to eat... Then, I can say, I ate fare that was in Seattle this very day when I'm allll the way down here in San Francisco!" Life is full of simple pleasures ... ;) Love it.
Friday, June 24, 2005 and Update on Girls
And, speaking of girls, the two gals from the accident who had to remain in the hospital are doing better. They have both moved to hospitals closer to home. One still remains in a coma (but I'm praying she will!), but I think is at least a tad bit better) and prayers for her life are still needed, and the other one is still paralyzed, but is showing some positive physical signs. It is not expected that she will ever recover for paralyzation completely, but she can at least move part of her arm and shrug her shoulders and move her head. She has had feeling in other spots when they have tested her with a needle, so that is very exciting! Mentally she is one of the most resiliant persons I have ever know or heard of in my life ... She, from the beginning, has accepted what has happened and most of the times has remained in great spirits, even asking for other people's prayer requests! She's smily and bubbley and one of the highlights of this time for her has been when Joni (sp?) Erickson Tada called her and chatted for awhile! My whole family is in awe of God's huge miracle not only in her physical being, but also in her mental state--this type of mental recovery would not be possible with out HIM!! His love is unfathomable and good things are springing from this situation. I'd ask for your continued prayers. THANK YOU...and THANK GOD!! :D
Saturday, June 18, 2005
To the Castle!
Crawling up the hill at a snail's pace, the castle rose into fuller view. Gazing not only over the mighty Pacific Ocean, this castle also stood in a strange medeval majesty over it's only entrance, a hill reaching more narrowly and steeper toward the clouds than any traversed even in nearby San Francisco. Finally cresting over the top on my galliant mustang, or, uh, rather in the Ford Mustang my dad was driving, my brother and I piled out and made good stride toward the fortress walls. Peering in through the strong iron gate our eyes met with cold stone statues, earthy stained glass windows and tiered courtyards. Having always wondered about this strange abode in the midst of seeming normalcy, I found out from a television program that the owner collected pieces from silver screen movie sets--in fact, one gigantic bedroom was essentially the recreation (using the real high four-poster bed) of King Henry's (or was it George?) stony chambers chambers from a old classic movie. Though slightly eery, finally seeing the bastion up close transported me in time to the 1500s. From the castle walls we could see what it must have been like to watch the majestic armada return from a valliant voyage, or to wonder what loomed just over the horizon. Thanks, dad for this interesting and amazingly unique experience!
(This same day we had a delightful time vacationing at our family beach in Half Moon Bay with good friends, food and a frisbee :). After noticing I like to close these type of days with a bang, my dad surprised me with a visit to the castle I had always passed, curiously wondered about and was itching to see all growing up. Thanks, dad! :D)
(This same day we had a delightful time vacationing at our family beach in Half Moon Bay with good friends, food and a frisbee :). After noticing I like to close these type of days with a bang, my dad surprised me with a visit to the castle I had always passed, curiously wondered about and was itching to see all growing up. Thanks, dad! :D)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Invisible Single?
I nearly decided to sneak out, but reconsidered when I decided it might be a bit rude. So, instead, I sat almost as far back with as many blank seats around me as I could. An hour before I was beeming with the prospect of attending this "singles sunday school class" to make new friends (most of mine have all moved). Who knew? Maybe even Mr. Right would be there ... I had heard this group was teeming with 20-somethings. Right, who knew? I sure didn't. Upon opening the door to the class, many divorced 50-year-old faces glanced over my way. Quickly scanning the room I discovered I was the youngest one there--and I'm 26! Nearly everyone there was either old enough to be my parent, and, quite a few, even my grandparents. I immediately wished I had Miss Incredible's invisibility powers ...
Making it through the entire service with only a couple of older folk introducing themselves to me, I began to quietly, yet swiftly, make my way to the door, when a voice over the loud speaker filled the room, the brunt of it seeming to move with me. "Oh! I we have any visitors?" Only five feet from the door I wasn't sure whether or not I really had to raise my hand, but then every eye turned on me. Crumination! I slowly slipped my hand slighly above my head with a hesitant stinting my face. I was quickly handed a piece of paper so that they could collect all of my information and folks from all around bidded their welcome. "Sneak in more often," one said. "We have a lot of fun here!" Now, I LOVE older folks, but don't want to consistently hang out with a group of them just with the intention to hang loose. As mentors, second moms, neighbors, one-on-one friends or wise church women, that's great. That's wonderful and valuable! I'm sure these singles are great people, but personally I'd rather volunteer with the church's high school group to have fun that way. Immediately following the piece of paper incident, the voice on the loud speaker informed me that they were going to take me out to Chevy's for lunch since it was my first time there. Since this time I at least wasn't wearing loud clomping clod hoppers like I was the last time I tried sneaking through a church service, I decided to politely make my exit ...
Making it through the entire service with only a couple of older folk introducing themselves to me, I began to quietly, yet swiftly, make my way to the door, when a voice over the loud speaker filled the room, the brunt of it seeming to move with me. "Oh! I we have any visitors?" Only five feet from the door I wasn't sure whether or not I really had to raise my hand, but then every eye turned on me. Crumination! I slowly slipped my hand slighly above my head with a hesitant stinting my face. I was quickly handed a piece of paper so that they could collect all of my information and folks from all around bidded their welcome. "Sneak in more often," one said. "We have a lot of fun here!" Now, I LOVE older folks, but don't want to consistently hang out with a group of them just with the intention to hang loose. As mentors, second moms, neighbors, one-on-one friends or wise church women, that's great. That's wonderful and valuable! I'm sure these singles are great people, but personally I'd rather volunteer with the church's high school group to have fun that way. Immediately following the piece of paper incident, the voice on the loud speaker informed me that they were going to take me out to Chevy's for lunch since it was my first time there. Since this time I at least wasn't wearing loud clomping clod hoppers like I was the last time I tried sneaking through a church service, I decided to politely make my exit ...
Thursday, June 09, 2005
We Need a Roller Coaster!
I decided that our family needs a roller coaster in our back yard--one that flips people upside down. Cedar Point amusement park, from just one year alone, collected nearly $10,000 in coins underneath rides--I could pay off my college debt in just a couple years that way! That or make our front yard a rest stop with about 20 couches. Hmmm...
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Farmer's Market "San Francisco Style"
Stepping onto the BART train this morning I felt all smily because I was headed to the San Francisco farmer's market that busts with business along the Embarcadero at the Ferry Building. A few weeks back my brother and I were watching the Food Network's "Food Finds" and discovered that every Saturday S.F. has a vibrant and bustling farmer's market at the Ferry Building near Pier 2. I love stolling down farmer's markets, basking in the atmosphere of luciously bright hydrangeas, fresh cherry samples and gaily wrapped juniper soaps. There are also terribly fascinating people to watch. From the program I learned that S.F. does this on an even grander scale, one that includes exotic venders inside the hisotric Ferry Building. Put all this together and add S.F.'s vibrantly beautiful and energizing atmosphere and you've got yourself quite an experience--I couldn't wait to go.
I don't have many friends here in the Bay Area, so I boarded the car by myself, but nevertheless, I had quite a fun and unique experience. I don't like to be by myself, especially when I go out on excursions, so I called my mom and told her all about the unique stands (my favorites were the ones dedicated to French yogart and goat cheese), yummy food and wonderful "Old World" feel. Seriously, the two-some playing the accordian and violin looked as though they had just stepped off a ship at Ellis Island in 1905.
I strolled along with my Europeanish chocolate cake muffin, large cluster of bright pink hydrangeas, sweet pluots and water bottle. As sailboats glided by and the sun shone bright, I decided to bring someone back there with me soon!
I don't have many friends here in the Bay Area, so I boarded the car by myself, but nevertheless, I had quite a fun and unique experience. I don't like to be by myself, especially when I go out on excursions, so I called my mom and told her all about the unique stands (my favorites were the ones dedicated to French yogart and goat cheese), yummy food and wonderful "Old World" feel. Seriously, the two-some playing the accordian and violin looked as though they had just stepped off a ship at Ellis Island in 1905.
I strolled along with my Europeanish chocolate cake muffin, large cluster of bright pink hydrangeas, sweet pluots and water bottle. As sailboats glided by and the sun shone bright, I decided to bring someone back there with me soon!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
CrAzY World I'm Lliving In!
*I am NOT a camper (anymore), but for some reason I decided to spend the summer sleeping in a tent. Long story.
*My sis is cutting her first CD today. :) After the accident, she decided to finally take some of the songs she's written and record them to cheer up one of her best friends who remains in the hospital. The recording studio wants to do it for free. God is great! She'll head to Idaho next week to present the CD to her friend.
*We're continuing to get many calls and emails asking for updates on the girls who are still in the hospital. It's just been a weird atmosphere. One of the girls, while having a rough time of it and is still paralyzed from the neck down, is showing positive signs and is at least improving. The other girl is still in very deep coma and not doing too great. Prayers are SO appreciated! Christians from around the country have been amazing in all of this--giving of their time, hearts, resources and prayers. The Christians who live in the hospital's city are AMAZING--strangers, but brothers and sisters in Christ, who sit with the family, house and drive visitors, encourage and pray.
*I became an official Wendy Peffercorn when I PASSED lifeguard training last week!! Being very stressed right after the accident, I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but God was right there getting me through. We had to go through a complete rescue drama (even had to figure out who was drowing). Not only did I have to help save someone, but I had to be someone's drowning victim who went into cardiac arrest. More about that drama later! Now, I need to answer my many calls requesting my newly aquired skills ... Three so far...and I haven't even advertised. ;)
*Can't wait 'til my brother gets his driver's license--I think I've become his chauffer. Oh well, at least I get to drive the convertible ...
*Think I'll go to the Jelly Belly factory this week ... Better return my late DVD, also!
--Stay tuned for more of my life as a "screaming skydiver" (what I sometimes feel like). :)
*My sis is cutting her first CD today. :) After the accident, she decided to finally take some of the songs she's written and record them to cheer up one of her best friends who remains in the hospital. The recording studio wants to do it for free. God is great! She'll head to Idaho next week to present the CD to her friend.
*We're continuing to get many calls and emails asking for updates on the girls who are still in the hospital. It's just been a weird atmosphere. One of the girls, while having a rough time of it and is still paralyzed from the neck down, is showing positive signs and is at least improving. The other girl is still in very deep coma and not doing too great. Prayers are SO appreciated! Christians from around the country have been amazing in all of this--giving of their time, hearts, resources and prayers. The Christians who live in the hospital's city are AMAZING--strangers, but brothers and sisters in Christ, who sit with the family, house and drive visitors, encourage and pray.
*I became an official Wendy Peffercorn when I PASSED lifeguard training last week!! Being very stressed right after the accident, I wasn't sure I could pull it off, but God was right there getting me through. We had to go through a complete rescue drama (even had to figure out who was drowing). Not only did I have to help save someone, but I had to be someone's drowning victim who went into cardiac arrest. More about that drama later! Now, I need to answer my many calls requesting my newly aquired skills ... Three so far...and I haven't even advertised. ;)
*Can't wait 'til my brother gets his driver's license--I think I've become his chauffer. Oh well, at least I get to drive the convertible ...
*Think I'll go to the Jelly Belly factory this week ... Better return my late DVD, also!
--Stay tuned for more of my life as a "screaming skydiver" (what I sometimes feel like). :)
Thursday, May 26, 2005
It's True
Tragedy could have struck our family last night. My sister was supposed to have taken a road trip with four other girls to Montana for our friend's wedding. My parents and I did not feel comfortable about her going on the trip and my darling sister remained open to God's leading. High school swim coaches rarely take on two teams, but, even so, earlier this year my sister decided to head coach two teams anyway. It was that second team that strangely enough decided to hold their awards ceremony on a Wednesday night (last night), the day all the girls were supposed to set out on the road trip. Holly loves the kids on her team and didn't want to miss the ceremony, so, feeling God was working everything out, she decided to fly , catch a different ride with someone in Washington and drive back with the girls.
Late last night we received a call that our friends on the road trip got into a serious car accident and two are in critical condition. It is a very emotional thought realizing Holly could have been in that accident. But, she listened to God. It is so incredibly true that those feelings we sometimes get that we shouldn't go somewhere, participate in a particular activity, etc., are true. That is one way God perserves our lives.
If we obey God, He is truly faithful to work out every detail. My sister set out in her flight not knowing how she would get back after the wedding, but she knew God had it under control. No more than five minutes after she stepped off the plane a friend offered her a return ticket they ended up not needing. God is good! ...And my family still has my sister around--safe and sound.
(P.S.--Pls. pray for the girls and everyone involved. THANK YOU!!)
Late last night we received a call that our friends on the road trip got into a serious car accident and two are in critical condition. It is a very emotional thought realizing Holly could have been in that accident. But, she listened to God. It is so incredibly true that those feelings we sometimes get that we shouldn't go somewhere, participate in a particular activity, etc., are true. That is one way God perserves our lives.
If we obey God, He is truly faithful to work out every detail. My sister set out in her flight not knowing how she would get back after the wedding, but she knew God had it under control. No more than five minutes after she stepped off the plane a friend offered her a return ticket they ended up not needing. God is good! ...And my family still has my sister around--safe and sound.
(P.S.--Pls. pray for the girls and everyone involved. THANK YOU!!)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Little Lawyer
Most little kids learning to kick and blow bubbles love pretending they are motor boats. The louder their bubbles and faster their kick the faster the motor boat goes. Their smiles and laughter are contagious, so I have really enjoyed teaching this part of swim lessons. When the little tykes stop blowing bubbles or kicking I stop them in middle of the water and exclaim, "Oh no! The motor boat ran out of gas--kick hard and blow bubbles!" Of course they immedietely do so--most of the time. The same routine happened while teaching a little 3-year-old this afternoon. Apparently, he wasn't in a good mood and didn't feel like doing hardly anything except getting out of the pool. Playing motor boat got him kicking, smiling and blowing bubbles earlier this week, so I decided to play that again. Half-way across the pool he stopped kicking and blowing bubbles. With a sly little smile and giggle he exclaimed, "The motor boat ran out of gas." The first time that was cute. But, the other 2,000 times were really annoying. That little-tyke brain had discovered a "loop hole." After about three times I became determined, looked him in the face and said, "Nope! The motor boat didn't run out of gas. I put so much gas in that it couldn't run out ... Kick! Blow bubbles!" When his mom came to the side of the pool with his towel she remarked at the large amount of patience I had, but what went through my mind was that this brilliant little mind should grow up to become a lawyer!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Over Here, Over There
It's a small ironic world after all. Just the other day I received an email from a good friend of mine in D.C., Carrie, saying that she's moving out here, and then, just yesterday, I called to say goodbye to a good friend of mine out here, Sunshine, because she was hopping on a plane to move out to D.C. Stranger still, yesterday, when Sunshine flew across the continent, marked the same exact day I flew to D.C. for the first time. Anyhoo, it'll be really exciting to have my East Coast friend back again and to have my school chum to hang out with in D.C. But, all of this really makes me miss the magic and peaceful atmostphere of Virginia. Too bad Sunshine couldn't pack me in her carry on! Oh well, hopefully I'll get out there next summer. :) For now I'm just excited to have my EC friends moving to the West! Keep'a comin'!
Saturday, May 21, 2005
"Coach Olivia"??
Deciding a long time ago that I was the "ugly duckling" of my swimming family, hearing myself referred to as coach this week was really weird. Five swim teams call some memeber of my family head coach, my sister alone accounting for three of which. My brother, at 14, is obviously not a head coach, but even he is on a coaching staff (he is amazing...!) and teaches competitive swim clinics and lessons. He's got LOADS of talent there--just like everyone else in my fam. My family also owns a thriving swim academy and on-line swim newszine. With all of the "swim talk" penetrating the house, I decided I should just name "swimming" another member of the family (one I often get annoyed with since I am not as stuck to swimming as everyone else). I, on the other hand, am a writer. I became respetorally (sp?)allergic to chlorine in high school, swim decently and usually only find world and university swimming the interesting part of the aquatics spectrum. Last year I began writing for the newszine--which has been great and it has allowed me to get to know swimmers of world esteem. But, I knew I would never coach, teach lessons or be terribly involved. I'm the sun bather on the side of the pool who lays back on the towel covered lounge chair day dreaming and concocting stories and board kicking just to keep in shape (remember, I'm allergic).
This summer has dramatically changed everything. It had always been a cool, but far away dream to be a life guard and, if everything goes according to plan, next Thursday I should walk through the door a regular "Wendy Peffercorn." :) In addition, I became a swim lesson instructor last week. I actually really enjoy that. How amazing is it that my chlorine allergy is going away, also?! Next thing you know I'll be taking part in swim team activity. Hmmm ... Either way, I am still not real excited about my "swimming sibling," but I have warmed up to it a bit. And, it was kinda cool being called "coach." :)
This summer has dramatically changed everything. It had always been a cool, but far away dream to be a life guard and, if everything goes according to plan, next Thursday I should walk through the door a regular "Wendy Peffercorn." :) In addition, I became a swim lesson instructor last week. I actually really enjoy that. How amazing is it that my chlorine allergy is going away, also?! Next thing you know I'll be taking part in swim team activity. Hmmm ... Either way, I am still not real excited about my "swimming sibling," but I have warmed up to it a bit. And, it was kinda cool being called "coach." :)
Friday, May 13, 2005
Ian Thorpe for Men
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The Point of Need
Does God ask us to change all of our problems and issues at once? One of my latest reality checks: not only do people have to change in layers, but they also, many times at least, have to be at a point of major need. God allows certain circumstances to develop which create a major, sometimes desperate need, to envelop our hearts that create a great desire to shed a sinful or hurt layer. Then God pushes us to the next layer. I think we would go crazy trying to change many things, let alone all things, at once. Praise God for His goodness and love despite our many soggy layers.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Du Du Daaaaa!!
Some random acts and newsy stuff:
1) I am finally becoming a life guard. :) (Now I just have to learn to surf...Chris??) And, I've got war stories already--I'll have to blog about those soon!
2) I drank algae--and liked it! (Before you think I'm crazy, it is in my special "green health drink.")
3) And, the results for the psych study I took part in: according to researcher Melissa Hicks, the more extrovertic (is that a word?? if not, add another to O.J.'s book of vocab) you are, the more stimulating the music is that you desire. Some of my absolute fave is alternative, so I guess I'm kinda middle ground or a bit more. I guess.
4) And, some of the biggest news?! I AM NOW A SENIOR!!! Finals are over and I can now do all sorts of things, like in-stress my in-scape...stroll the farmer's market...or watch the Today show. Oh, the bliss.
Extreme days are ahead ... =:D
1) I am finally becoming a life guard. :) (Now I just have to learn to surf...Chris??) And, I've got war stories already--I'll have to blog about those soon!
2) I drank algae--and liked it! (Before you think I'm crazy, it is in my special "green health drink.")
3) And, the results for the psych study I took part in: according to researcher Melissa Hicks, the more extrovertic (is that a word?? if not, add another to O.J.'s book of vocab) you are, the more stimulating the music is that you desire. Some of my absolute fave is alternative, so I guess I'm kinda middle ground or a bit more. I guess.
4) And, some of the biggest news?! I AM NOW A SENIOR!!! Finals are over and I can now do all sorts of things, like in-stress my in-scape...stroll the farmer's market...or watch the Today show. Oh, the bliss.
Extreme days are ahead ... =:D
Monday, May 02, 2005
A Sign Left Behind
He wasn't there. Nearly everytime I pull in and out of the Raley's parking lot I see the same man carving wood with his I'm-in-financial-need-please-buy-a-carving sign (I've always been impressed that he doesn't just simply beg for money). Pulling out of the parking lot Friday after buying supplies for my room I saw what I assumed was his cardboard sign laying on the dirty ground. He wasn't there. As my brain began processing, I decided that since the sign was lying near the convenience store (that also borders the parking lot) that he bought a ticket and won the lottery!!! Good for him. :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Driving "Hazord"ously
So, my friend and I were loading my fridge into the car, and I had my car's hazord lights on because I was parked in front of the dorm building. You know, trying to follow rules and all that (not to mention I didn't want a ticket!) ... So, the fridge gets loaded into the back seat, my friend left to her room and I hopped in the car to move it around and park it--but I couln't get the hazords off. Push, pull, nuttin'. I then grabbed my cell and call my friend A.J. who's good with cars to see if he can suggest something. Nothing works and he can't get away from serving at a bbq to help me. I then saw my friends passing and I ask them for the assistance of their intellegence. So, my RA's bf tries to get them off, but he can't budge them off either and the girls standing behind my car kept reporting that the lights kept speeding up and slowing down. Well, my RA's bf suggested I run over to Kragen's to see what they can do so my battery doesn't die (that's all I need during finals week!). So, starving for lunch, I jump back in the car and am aware of everyone around me as I drove through the campus, and then on to Kragen's, with my hazords flashing. "Yeah, I'm ok ... Yeah, yeah, I know, I know ..." I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide, but I figured that'd just get me into more trouble. God has been really been showing me His love and kindness toward me today--I believe that is why He allowed this to happen--it didn't cost me any money to get this problem fixed. After a struggle, a very nice man at Kragen's was able to turn my hazords off. Again, yay, God! Just got to trust Him ...
*Mental note: no matter how much I want to follow rules, NEVER TURN THOSE ON AGAIN!*
*Mental note: no matter how much I want to follow rules, NEVER TURN THOSE ON AGAIN!*
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
No Time to In-Stress My In-Scape
Yes, finals here, finals there, finals everywhere (except tomorrow!). As the note I left on someone else's blog said, after three finals down this afternoon with one final, a 10-page-paper and a writing portfolio to go, I declared myself officially brain dead as I laid limp on my air bed. But, did being brain dead stop me? No! Shortly after begging God for energy, and the ability to move, I hobbled over to my laptop and cranked out my writing portfolio and walked it over to the library to drop in into my prof.'s box. Yay, God! It's now night. I'm feeling better. The world is back to normal ... for now.
P.S.--Oh, yeah! haha I forgot about the title, I was gonna say that for the past couple days I haven't had much time to be in-stressing my in-scape. Good ol' Hopkins.
P.S.--Oh, yeah! haha I forgot about the title, I was gonna say that for the past couple days I haven't had much time to be in-stressing my in-scape. Good ol' Hopkins.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
In the Midst of Greatness--and Cute Guys!
"Deep in a Room, Far, Far Away"
Have you ever wondered what the a parallels are between one's personality and their musical preferences? Well, for one of my recent Radical Acts of Randomness I participated in a pyschological experiment that is pushing to find just that! It's always interesting to discover more of what lies in the recesses of your mind ... I'll let you know when the study's results are posted. (Btw, I participated in the study within the same couple hours that I let the duck in the dining hall--how eventful my life is!)
Monday, April 11, 2005
"Don't Feed the Ducks ...
... unless you want to eat with the ducks." That should be a sign posted outside our cafeteria. We have two ponds here on campus that are frequented by an array of ducks and Canadian geese (not sure when they actually go to Candada...they're always here). They have been a staple here for years, but not until this semester did we get used to their little billed faces peering in through the caf's window walls. It's quite a journey for them to get there, the nearest pond is a good 300 feet or so down a grassy hill, so I'm not sure how they got their little waddly bodies up there all the time. (The excursion must be what makes them take to napping in front of the door...) However, the motivation is clear: food. Threesome's constantly quack at your feet as soon as you crack open the door. It is cute, so pushing the door open to exit the caf two weekends ago I looked down and said cutely, "Hi, ducky," wishing I had remembered to bring some bread. But, the duck didn't stop at my feet it kept walking in and began wandering around from table to table with shouts to me, "Don't let it in!" (Like I meant to. Sheesh!) I immediately, after the innitial standstill shock, began trying to shoo little ducky out. Someone suggested bread, so when others began to help try and get the duck to waddle to the door I went for bread. The duck did leave, but I was sooo embarrassed. I slipped out the back entrance. I didn't feel as dumb today after lunch, though. Someone else accidently let a duck in, too. Fhew. Just like my duck, it tried to fly out the glass wall only to slam, "bang!" and fall to the ground. Nevertheless, the dining hall should really post that sign--before we're always eating with ducks! And before we start seeing half-billed ducks peering in through the windows...
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Just Call Me Dr. Suess ...
... Because this morning for breakfast I dug into a wonderful plate of green eggs and ham! Add THAT to my radical acts of randomness!
Friday, March 11, 2005
My Big Debut!
Friday, March 04, 2005
Weekend Wonder
This summer will be wonderous--I still have to take lab science (ugh), write an english paper and possibly study for a math exam (double ugh!), but none of that should extract too much time. I'll be working full-time, as well, but everything I'm doing will be fulfilling, exciting and expand my horizons. In my off-time I plan to do more writing (I've been engaging the world of fiction lately!) and embark on something fancy free EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY WEEKEND of the summer (which for me is a beautiful four months long--I love my school!)! I've never done this before but have always wanted to. :) I'll visit friends, experience exciting things about/in California that I have not yet done (anybody up for a bike ride through Napa's wine country??), but I think I'll kick it off with a "day spa experience" and slumber party. I want it to be a crazy fun time! So, if you're in the area, or are coming to the area, we need to do something adventurous or just plain fun together. Any ideas? Let me know. Any weekends that work best for you? Let me know that, too. HOORAH, HOORAH to a speeding semester! Live it up cuz you only have one life.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Dawn of Spring
Pushing back the rain and clouds, spring has decided to dawn early this year. Sparkling sun, blossoming cherry trees and ducks skimming across the pond are a cheery sights to one who dreads the rain (except if I'm at home passing a relaxing day watching old movies). Finding some of my dormmates relaxing on the grass outside our rooms studying their text books through sunglasses, I found myself entertaining the same notion. So, grabbing a towel, water bottle and my notes I stretched out on the grass and enjoyed the warm sun on my skin. The tickling breeze and warm air eased me into a relaxed state before having to treck off to another class. Lingering a bit too long, I walked in a little late to World Civ, but it was all worth it.
Deciding I would enjoy all the sunny days from now on, I rocked myself on the white gazebo swing this afternoon as Canadian geese skimmed across the pond and the ducks talked loudly back and forth. Finding a portion of a chocolate chip cookie left in my bag I enjoyed a sugary bite as the stress of looming mid-terms began floating away like soap bubbles in the breeze.
I'm so glad God gave us spring. No matter what craziness is going on in world, nature never seems to notice it.
Deciding I would enjoy all the sunny days from now on, I rocked myself on the white gazebo swing this afternoon as Canadian geese skimmed across the pond and the ducks talked loudly back and forth. Finding a portion of a chocolate chip cookie left in my bag I enjoyed a sugary bite as the stress of looming mid-terms began floating away like soap bubbles in the breeze.
I'm so glad God gave us spring. No matter what craziness is going on in world, nature never seems to notice it.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Me and Michael?
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Modern Flirting
Chit chatting while driving in our convertable, my friend and my attention was suddenly drawn to an approaching siren. Pulling up to the red light, I looked over my shoulders and was shocked to find no emergency vehicle. "Where is that coming from," I asked with eyes scanning the down town scene. The siren blared again, but this time was followed by a voice on a loud speaker, "Hey there!" and then cat-call whistles proceeded. It was coming from gigantic black truck on our side. This continued as long as the black truck was close to us, and continued because we didn't give this ...person... the satifaction of looking. "I can't believe somebody's using a loud speaker!" I said in disbelief and annoyance. "I wish some cop would drive by--he'd SO get pulled over!" Pulling into the mall, we finally lost the guy, and hope we had also lost the opportunity to be flirted with like this forever. If it happens again, I'm hoping to have some GREAT come-back! Any ideas?? ;)
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Mother of Pearl, Mother of Surprise!
If you want to make a college student run through the halls elated for an entire day despite homework, send them a care package. Yes, the little miracle called care package. It could just be a bookmark and a few chocolate chip cookies and you've transformed a student dragging their back pack up the stairs into a bright eyed, happy-go-lucky girl/guy giving all their friends high fives and shouts of, "Look what I've got!"
My dear mother has been the giver of such sunshine to me this year in school. I'll fly into the mailroom from class and find a package from her with all my favorite snacks and other surprises thrown in for my enjoyment. Last semester one of these great surprises was the Love Comes Softly DVD (what fun my friends and I have had with that!) and this semester I received the most amazing carmel tea, the coolest little tropical water globe paper-holder-upper (you know, so you can look at your paper and type at the same time and not kill your neck--the name escapes me), and, get this, a beautifully cheery croqueted blanket--yes, she made it! My mom is amazing!
When I think of my parents I realize how blessed I am. Whether they pass along words of comfort and encouragement on the phone or send me a care package, I can almost always feel their loving hugs reaching me from far away ... Yes, my mother of pearl is a treasure from God --and a gift of surprise.
My dear mother has been the giver of such sunshine to me this year in school. I'll fly into the mailroom from class and find a package from her with all my favorite snacks and other surprises thrown in for my enjoyment. Last semester one of these great surprises was the Love Comes Softly DVD (what fun my friends and I have had with that!) and this semester I received the most amazing carmel tea, the coolest little tropical water globe paper-holder-upper (you know, so you can look at your paper and type at the same time and not kill your neck--the name escapes me), and, get this, a beautifully cheery croqueted blanket--yes, she made it! My mom is amazing!
When I think of my parents I realize how blessed I am. Whether they pass along words of comfort and encouragement on the phone or send me a care package, I can almost always feel their loving hugs reaching me from far away ... Yes, my mother of pearl is a treasure from God --and a gift of surprise.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
I Will Not Be Left Out!
No, really, it was a very amazing experience that I will never forget, very special memories--hey, I even had my first "date" there (very quote unquote!). Try and beat that! Well, you can go here and read a litle more (although it's written rather slopily!) of my mems and here to see another pic of me on this historic occasion.
Hopin' to go again someday,
O.J. =:-D (p.s.-photo curtousy of my friend Sarah's collection)
Baby, Baby!
Life has been taking many interesting turns for me lately, including one today down the baby food isle at the grocery store. Yes, you heard right. The baby food isle. It was a hesitant turn, too. Since I only look 18, I didn't want anyone thinking I was a "teenage mother," but making my way to the cans of mashed sweet potatoes and purree plums I went. My face flushed as a woman in her 40s glided past.
Not to go into detail, but to help heal my bod I currently have use for soft foods, and many of the softer fare in the adult section, I am allergic to. So, as I began remembering all the times I fed my baby brother when I was 12 and 13, I recalled one thought that has always stuck with me, Gerber's purreed plums were not that bad. In fact, they were so good I remember sharing them with my brother. So, I decided I'd give baby food another try! Now, before you decide that I've gone and lost my mind, know that I would never, ever eat mashed vegatables unless I was desperate! Well, maybe the sweet potatos ...
So, back to today ... After choosing my baby fare, I caught one of the women at the check-out staring at my fingers. I think by that time I had gotten over the initial embarrassment, so, while still while in a slight hurry to exit the store, I was able to find her imploring looks and staring quite funny. Wow!
Anyway, if you haven't yet had a baby and want to know what baby food tastes good, I highly recommend the apple/blueberry sauce and banana pudding!
Not to go into detail, but to help heal my bod I currently have use for soft foods, and many of the softer fare in the adult section, I am allergic to. So, as I began remembering all the times I fed my baby brother when I was 12 and 13, I recalled one thought that has always stuck with me, Gerber's purreed plums were not that bad. In fact, they were so good I remember sharing them with my brother. So, I decided I'd give baby food another try! Now, before you decide that I've gone and lost my mind, know that I would never, ever eat mashed vegatables unless I was desperate! Well, maybe the sweet potatos ...
So, back to today ... After choosing my baby fare, I caught one of the women at the check-out staring at my fingers. I think by that time I had gotten over the initial embarrassment, so, while still while in a slight hurry to exit the store, I was able to find her imploring looks and staring quite funny. Wow!
Anyway, if you haven't yet had a baby and want to know what baby food tastes good, I highly recommend the apple/blueberry sauce and banana pudding!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Jo and O
I also find it funny that Alcott and I both began secret clubs in our house's attics, acted out our own dramas and both moved to Concord when we were older. And, how about this, my Concord was directly named after her Concord in Massachusettes! However, I don't live next to an orchard ...
I am particularly fascinated with the Laurie and Jo dynamic of the story. So fascinating! Anyway, Alcott fashioned a matching character for her mirror image Jo, a person that would have in real life been a perfect fit for her, as well. That is probably why I have always loved Laurie so much, being that I am so similair to Jo. I also find some fashion/refined similairities between the Amy character and myself, as well. So, I'm looking for my Laurie ... If you find him, let me know. ;)
Whew-, with all that said, I'm working on my own book/movie at the moment and my sister has already written some the musical score for it. (Also met a director/screen writer the other day. Hmmm...) A period piece that is simplistically magical. When it is completed, I'll letcha know!
Realizing the small things in life are grand,
All the Rage
Everybody and their great-great-grandmother have been knitting and crocheting lately. It is no uncommonality to walk into any room, including the school dining hall, and find people pouring over their yarn-work. So, seating myself a couple weeks ago at dinner it was no surprise to see girls knitting by the fire. But, I caught myself doing a double take. "Is that a ... boy croqueting?!" It wasn't just a boy croqueting, it was a totally cool boy who was apparently quite good crafting beanies. I couldn't believe my eyes. Mentioning this to one of the guys in one of my classes, he showed no surprise and said that one of the dorms is full of guys who regularly knit and croquet.
When I got home on break one of my brother's skateboarder friends was wearing his friend's beanie. Reportedly his friend, a guy, knitted it at snowboarder camp where they teach the boarders how. Hmmm...
So glad it's not looked on as sissy anymore. It's a practical thing, you know? And, I've joined in. And, I've got to say, GO BOYS! :)
When I got home on break one of my brother's skateboarder friends was wearing his friend's beanie. Reportedly his friend, a guy, knitted it at snowboarder camp where they teach the boarders how. Hmmm...
So glad it's not looked on as sissy anymore. It's a practical thing, you know? And, I've joined in. And, I've got to say, GO BOYS! :)
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