Thursday, February 03, 2005

Mother of Pearl, Mother of Surprise!

If you want to make a college student run through the halls elated for an entire day despite homework, send them a care package. Yes, the little miracle called care package. It could just be a bookmark and a few chocolate chip cookies and you've transformed a student dragging their back pack up the stairs into a bright eyed, happy-go-lucky girl/guy giving all their friends high fives and shouts of, "Look what I've got!"

My dear mother has been the giver of such sunshine to me this year in school. I'll fly into the mailroom from class and find a package from her with all my favorite snacks and other surprises thrown in for my enjoyment. Last semester one of these great surprises was the Love Comes Softly DVD (what fun my friends and I have had with that!) and this semester I received the most amazing carmel tea, the coolest little tropical water globe paper-holder-upper (you know, so you can look at your paper and type at the same time and not kill your neck--the name escapes me), and, get this, a beautifully cheery croqueted blanket--yes, she made it! My mom is amazing!

When I think of my parents I realize how blessed I am. Whether they pass along words of comfort and encouragement on the phone or send me a care package, I can almost always feel their loving hugs reaching me from far away ... Yes, my mother of pearl is a treasure from God --and a gift of surprise.

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