1) Walking back from the mail box with the days deliveries, I began scanning the cover of my brother's newly arrived mag, Breakaway. "Wow, he's pretty cute," I thought. "So is he ..." Shifting my eyes down to the bottom of the cover my face registered shock and then excitement. Walking into the house I exclaimed, "There's a new band called 'Olivia'! I want to interview them!" No one EVER uses my name for anything, and all the band members are surfers from Hawaii who are my age and play totally sweet rock music! How perfect. Check them out here! :D
2) Wilma Flinstone could never be a real woman ...
3) Got to celebrate another completely random holiday, as I love to do. My sister and I caught up with my parents last night at our community's celebration of National Night Out--complete with free ice cream! :)
4) I want to own my own film production studio--I think I could supply, with all my friend's, sister's and my story ideas, enuf movies for it--all while bringing a whole new wholesome GOOD STORY era to Hollywood!
5) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is currently in the next city over ... How exciting!
Weeeeellllllll, Debedee, Debedee, Debedeeeee, that's all for now, folks!
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