Monday, August 15, 2005

"So, George, How's the Weather?"

Yes, how is the weather? Good question. Is it summer or winter? My slight sun burn tells me it is summer, however the out of doors are shouting rain. Being that we don't live in the midwest, this is strange. It's been like this all summer actually. At the county swim meet Saturday our umbrella continually blew over due to high, freezing winds. But, the next day I got my sun burn. I am very glad for a cold day again today, being that we just came out of an intense heat streak that lasted for nearly a nearly one month stretch. And, I've always been glad it nearly always cools way down in the evenings--nice for night time porch lounging. :) All of this is weird, tho.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, I had a very random, weird, but good birthday. Enter in 27.

1 comment:

J said...

Wow! Are you ever OLD! Get the walker and the dentures out! :^) Sorry that I didn't have anyway to wish you a happy birthday on time, but here's a belated one:


(During early high school, one of my cousins who was the whopping age of 23 was SO adult to me! HA! I feel like I'm 25 going on 12 still!)