Seen the movie? This is the real Coach Carter ... and I ... :) today. I worked at his local paper in the sports dept. when he benched all of his players due to academics (which is what the movie focuses on).
And this weeks
"O.J.'s Radical Act of Randomness"?!! :

I got one of his players (the one in the movie who dated one of the girls--cannot remember her name) to sign autographs for a few minutes using my big floofy pink feather puff pen (bottom middle). Cool! And he was quite amused, especially when one of the little feathers came drifting down onto the page he was writing on: "Feathers ..." he smiled with a chuckle in his eyes.
Fear of lizards no excuse for making them suffer
Halloween draws near: Crows, preening glossy feathers, Are almost ready. -- Halloween haiku by Lura Osgood, Pleasant Hill Dear Gary: I sympathize with John T. of Concord as I also freak out if I see a lizard, ...
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Olivia - we recently saw this movie and really liked it. I can't believe you met the REAL Coach Carter. Very cool. :)
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