Monday, May 23, 2005

Over Here, Over There

It's a small ironic world after all. Just the other day I received an email from a good friend of mine in D.C., Carrie, saying that she's moving out here, and then, just yesterday, I called to say goodbye to a good friend of mine out here, Sunshine, because she was hopping on a plane to move out to D.C. Stranger still, yesterday, when Sunshine flew across the continent, marked the same exact day I flew to D.C. for the first time. Anyhoo, it'll be really exciting to have my East Coast friend back again and to have my school chum to hang out with in D.C. But, all of this really makes me miss the magic and peaceful atmostphere of Virginia. Too bad Sunshine couldn't pack me in her carry on! Oh well, hopefully I'll get out there next summer. :) For now I'm just excited to have my EC friends moving to the West! Keep'a comin'!

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