Thursday, December 22, 2011

Continue the Merriment and Learning After Christmas

There is so much build-up to Christmas, that, if your are like me, the next day tends to feel kind of glum. However, one can continue the merriment by celebrating the little-known holidays between Christmas and New Year's.

Dec. 26, National Candy Cane (National Confectioners Association): Many children build up a vast assortment of candy canes during the Christmas season, and this is the day to put them to use! Here are some activities to get you started: research the story of the candy cane here and here ; create fun crafts, like this mouse or this peppermint pointsettia; concoct yummy candy cane truffles; and hold a candy cane relay race.

December 26th is also National Thank-you Note Day: the perfect opportunity to have your children send out thank-you cards to far-away relatives for gifts received (maybe a hand-crafted candy cane-themed card?).

Dec. 28, Pledge of Allegiance Day: Why wait until July to promote patriotic fun and learning? Check out Home of Heroes for the story behind these important words, view Red Skelton's inspiring rendition of the pledge, and then log onto to create your own flag.

Have a very merry post-CHRISTmas!


moderndaypioneerwoman said...

I LOVE this!! Especially Red Skelton's rendition of our Pledge of Allegiance and Home of Heroes!! And then, there's the food. Candy cane races sound fun, too! I'll share your blog spot w/others.

pah said...

Took the quiz and sadly scored only 60% ~ got 100% right the 2nd take. Great info ~ love, love, love the Red Skelton video. Thanks and Merry CHRISTmas,