Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Happy Mob

I guess I'm not the annoying nagging teacher I thot I was to my group of 25ish kindergartners. After being gone for over a week in D.C. I walked through the classroom door this morning and was barraged by a mob of screaming and hugging munchkins. Surprise! "MISS JOHNSO-----N!!!!!!!!" "MISS JOHNSO-----N!!!!!" "Are you back to stay??!!!" "I'm SOOOOOO glad you're here!!!!!!!!!" One boy in the middle of the mob (my favorite, of course, but shhhh!) even looked as if he was joyfully crying. I think he mighta been. Woe... And, then, later on a group of little girls dared ask if I was going to be their first grade teacher next yr. My response? "YEAH, RIGHT, LITTLE MUNCHKINS!!" No, really, I replied, much to their deep sorrow, that I would be in school, "just like YOU." "Awwwww! She'll be in SCHOOL next yr.!" they responded to eachother pouting. Made me feel pretty good, though, I must say! :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I'm ba-ack

Hey people!

Well, I'm back in the beautiful ol' San Francisco Bay Area at my parent's house re-cooperating from crazy sleep skeds and jet lag. God's been continuing His big work in my heart and it's been amazing! I've been challenged to take my focus off of certain things and just sit back and watch Him work. And, to see what He does is breath taking.
On another note, it sounds funny, but all day I have been trying to decide on a spot to place the model ship/yaught/schooner, whatever it is exactly, my sis and I bought my dad out in Virginia. I'm very athetic and LOVE nautical decor, so I had to find the perfect spot. I finally berthed it in our airy cottage in the back yard (my old room)--perfect--and can't wait 'til my dad discovers it. Yeah, I know, like you really wanted to know all that ... but I'm excited. ;) (I'm easily amused! haha!)

Welpers, tomorrow it's back to work and back to fun craziness as I move into a house with a friend of mine. Yae!

Luv ya's!

O.J. =:-D

PS- Oh, I should get the pics up soon ... Had fun watching my home video today (my sis took most of it and she CRACKS ME UP!!! I never realized she has SUCH a crazy sense of humor.)

Monday, June 28, 2004

Virginia Style

(Possible summer '05 move to VA, Stuck in Sac and Wishes)


I'm just settin' up this blog (thanks Sarah for showing me how! :D) ... I mean, hey, why not? I kinda got stuck here in Sacramento when the airline I just returned from Virginia on left my sister, Holly, and friend behind in VA (it's Maria's car that is here in Sac and I have to pick them up at mid-night tonight--a complete 24 hrs. after I get back!)! What's totally ironic and humorous (but, boy, it wasn't funny at the time!!!), before and after we got to the airport I was wishing that SOMEHOW I'd miss my flight and somehow get to stay in VA longer (I never take to the fact I have to leave, but of course would NEVER intentionally miss my flight...). Cuz, hey I didn't have to work today. HOWEVER, altho VA found a place in their hearts, Holly and Maria had things to do and a job to get back to today, so they were like, no way! We don't want to miss our flight. Now, I did nothing intentional to be late of course, but after we got separated and I sat in my plane seat all by my lonesome, Maria called my cell and was like, "Our people mover won't connect, so we're stuck." I immediately called a stewartess over and informed the airline AGAIN that they were on their way and would they wait for them?? Nope, the doors were closed and I was on my way to California without them. I was devastated. I left my heart in VA and I was the one on the plane. All cuz I chose a different security check line... Sheesh! THAT was the longest and most depressing flight of my life. So, as I sit here writing, they're still 3,000 miles away in my beautiful state. And I've got Holly's luggage ... It's interesting how God works things out... Not sure what will come from it, but He has a plan, and that is what I can rest in. And, now I have all kinds of groovy memories from this past week that I am reflecting on. Again, this was another trip out there in which I grew spiritually...And, again I made new friends and had a blast meeting up with the old ones. Weather was perfect and my friend, Carrie's wedding was BEAUTIFUL!

OH! And, while I was at my friend Mike's going-away party yesterday, I realized that since I have absolutely ZIP plans for next summer (I'm finishing my degree so I'll be in skool next sem), I should just move to Virginia for 3 1/2 months and work there! So, that's something I'm praying about now. Wouldn't that be SO fun?!! Yae!

So, yeah, I didn't intend to write this much, but I had an amazing time there and GOT TO DRIVE AN SUV (and SUV's are TOTALLY me!), had a wonderful time touristing (including the WWII monument which I HAD to see!), hanging out with special friends, volunteering at one of my fave ministries and just hangin' out (and if any of my hosts read this blog...THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!).

Wow, I've gotta jam. Love you all and am praying for you! Oh, and remember to pray for the government switch-over in Iraq and all of the folks involved.

Stay cool,

Olivia Janelle =:-D

Jeremiah 29:11 (will publish photos from my VA trip soon!)