Wednesday, April 30, 2008

T.F.T.D. #11 (house cleaning)

You know, it may take one second to muss up your car and 10,000 years to clean it up, but it seems to be the opposite with the house for me. It takes a couple days to muss it up and about 1 minute to clean. I like that... :)

T.F.T.D. #10 (con't.)

... Olivia thinks that some, however, are pretty amazing...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TFTD #9 (Guys)

To borrow the and format:

"Olivia thinks that guys can be so cruel... :( "

Monday, April 28, 2008

TFTD #8 (Meatloaf)

Meatloaf for breakfast sounds totally disgusting...

Monday, April 21, 2008

T.F.T.D. #7 (SAT's)

I discovered that I could stop saying, "BE quiet..." all the time if I could only get my students to understand that EVERY day of school is as important as an SAT day... Oh what a quiet class it would be! God bless these tests. hehe :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

T.F.T.D. #6 (Homeschooling)

When the kids came piling into class this morning, only five piled in. I wondering for awhile if they were going to be the only kids to show up. Where were the rest? Were they all sick? There were so few kids present that the ones who were began to laugh because the "sparse" room felt so strange. I suddenly felt like I was homeschooling and thought, "Wow, to only have five kids to be responsible for would be amazing! I could get use to this..." Then, most all of the other students wandered in one by one. And, I realized, I wouldn't ever want to give them up. :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thought For the Day #4

Sometimes you're just too busy or overwhelmed to have a unique thought... But, hey, that's a thought! :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

(Second) Thought For the Day #3


Funniest thing I've heard on the trail so far- an about six-year-old boy to about the same aged girl as I was walking by a baseball field: "Jus' MAWY him then!" Then, "bladeeblahblahblah." And again, "Then jus' MAWY him!" Twenty minutes later I saw the girl walking down the field looking a little bewildered, but very deep in thought... I think she should just ask. What about you?

Thought For the Day #3

It's Friday!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thought For the Day #2

They Can Make Ya Feel So Young...And So Old (Before Your Time!)

It's crazy how kids can make you feel both young...and old...even when you're still in your 20's! On a typical day, you can find me plopping up on a desk and dangling my legs over the sides, checking out cool new stories with my second grade girls at recess. That makes me feel young. They respect me, but also declare that I am one of their friends. My kids last year kept telling me how young I was. Today, however, one of my boys came up to me and asked, "Did they have computers in your day?" In my
what?! Isn't this still my day??? Ee gots. Seriously, these people can make you feel old, too. God bless 'em... :/

P.S.- While today's icons my have better fashion sense, they're still about the same. Don't you think? :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Thought For the Day #1

That's Where the Guys Are!

Recently moving into a penthouse in a nice city in the Bay Area (no, I don't own it, or lease it, I only wish...), I took up walking the trail that runs behind our tennis courts and putting green and stretches through the majority of Bay Area cities. It actually motivates me to get out and exercise since runs through beautiful parks, canals and country nooks...and provides you with fresh air (no cough, coughing as that old truck that needs a smog check shakes past you on the road). If you want, it can even take you through the Broadway Plaza district of Walnut Creek (rival to New York's fashionable shopping districts).

In fact, I found out that's where all the cute guys are. After trying my hand at an eschelon of clubs, singles groups, churches, etc., virtually all I could ever find were 110-year-old divorced men who seemed to be more active than any guys...or age. Crazy. Anyway, I finally gave up, deciding that it was just too expensive for young people to live in the East Bay and...hmmm...maybe I should move, too. That was until 4,325 young people, most of them guys, whizzed past me on bikes and jogging shoes, just on my first day on the trail. Success! The only thing is that it's too bad they're too focused to socialize as they whiz by... Otherwise, this Champs-Elysées (which boasts a bazillion "strollers" between 5-6p) of the Bay would be perfect. :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

My former co-worker Matt Turner's (an awesome guy!) new book, Hokey Pokey: Curious People Finding What Life's All About, just hit store shelves yesterday! From what I've read of my advanced copy, between my two last-minute moves and job search, it is a very engaging and humorous book about figuring out how to live this crazy thing we call life--with passion and purpose--while living the way God meant for us to live. After I get my boxes sorted, I'll flip it open and finish it, because I'm dying to read more. Totally check it out here at Happy reading!

P.S.--Oh! And don't you love the cover?! :)