Thursday, March 30, 2006


Because so many different worldviews are so prevalent in our American society, I think there should be a new one called "Eclecticism." Essentially, I am a theist, but I have also been painted by other worldviews, such as postmodernism and even some new age ideas (nothing "religious," but more food ideas and such). For example, I believe many things, even certain things I have grown up believing, should be questioned (not that I can't go back and latch onto what I believed before, but it is healthy to know why you believe what you believe, and maybe even change certain things) or at least better understood (like Christianity) and that the food we eat effects our minds (chemically). Once we have our faith in God, I do not believe we need to question the cores of our faith, however we do need to understand them better. Questioning our faith can put our feet upon dangerous waters. As I said before, I am predominantly a theist, but if you are not a pure something-or-other (which I do not believe most people are), go ahead and call yourself by my new worldview: eclecticism. Maybe I'll even call myself a "theisteclectis." :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hey, nice post. I like your thoughts on the faith. It’s your bud from the sunny state! How’s it going? Congrats on your win and upcoming graduation!!!

With regard to this post…I will call myself a metasystemic - ecclectic.

Relativism - open to all view/perspectives and never coming to a conclusion
Systemic - conclusive to own view without considering any other view/perspective.
*Metasystemic* - open to all views/perspectives in search of the truth and then forming own conclusion.

Of course, I think that there are certain cornerstones of our faith that can’t be disputed (trinity, death, resurrection, etc.).

Just curious, what are your thoughts on biblical inerrancy (verbal plenary: God‘s inspired word that the authors wrote scripture exactly as God would have said it) ?