Monday, March 06, 2006

Another New Hobby

Yes, I have been beginning bonsai, but I have also began sewing--which, trust me, is strange, but my mom is proud. All through growing up she tried to get me to enjoy sewing, but the few projects we completed together (mostly her), I trudged through complaining I didn't have enough patience for it. This just proves my theory that, given time, most people will come around. :) Anyway, my latest sewing project is a grouping of three sage green/white, leafy throw pillows for my apartment. They will adorn my light and airy, whimsical, Japanese/S.F. style living room (yes, I'm very eclectic, but I pull it off very well). So, yae! I'm really excited. :D A couple of my next projects are a really cute pair of checkered '60s shorts and a 1930s evening gown. (Yes, I'm also very into period clothing.) Yae for sewing! :D


Booker said...

a japanese\scifi living room? that sounds cool! any pix available?

CABeachBlonde said...

S.F. would be San Francisco . . . I'm not a scifi girl in any way, sorry.

Booker said...

that makes MUCH more sense, lol...