As a student, I totally understand the need for goofiness to balance out . . . the "s" word. s, s, s-c-hool. There. Visiting a friend's site recently I stumbled across this video clip of Two Chinese Students--whom I totally relate to. :) It's FABULOUS! As my friend Sara said: "I'm not sure if there are words to describe it. Don't think it's funny? Try watching it late at night. It certainly is one of a kind... LOL" Check it out for yourself by clicking on the photo--have fun (esp. my student friends)!
Saw it on a friends blog a couple months ago. It was pretty good for a laugh :)
ha ha, that was a great video Olivia...I was more curious though to know why the guy in the background just sits there staring at the computer and never once turns around, that's kinda weird, ha ha. :P
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