Since it's been awhile, I thot I'd better say, "HEY, OUT THERE!!" Christmas break was interesting, to say the least. My sister and I had fun romping throughout IKEA (I ended up with tiny glass ingrediant cups and Swedish ginger cookies -- couldn't stop eating those!) in Bizerkely one rainy afternoon and eating Swedish fare in a restraunt overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Mmmmm... How wonderful can life get. :) As my New Testament prof. from the Bay Area (he's "on loan" to us from Pleasanton!) said last semester, even though San Francisco has many problems, there are many great things happening there for God and many impacting churches. He also said that much of the ministry that occured in the New Testament took place in cities--and they weren't always the most moral places in the world. San Francisco is his favorite city, as it is mine.
Now back at school (my LAST semester--finally!!--ahhhh!!!), I am career searching, looking for a public relations internship and actually enjoying my, dare I say it?,
physics classes! Being my last semster here, I am planning on really exploring the area in a fuller way. I'm itching to check out the Oregon Trail! One of my friends is currently making me an amazingly
beautiful Rennasaince princess dress for me to go to the Ren. Fair in and a couple other friends want to me to catch another Shakespeare play with them in Ashland, Oregon, this semsester (where I might be able to wear my Rennasaince dress again!). Fun times!
Will post some photos soon. Until then, I've got things to do and people to see--chei! :)
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