Sunday, September 12, 2004

Sunday and Sunshine

Last week I met vivacious girl who goes by "Sunshine." "That's a sweet nickname," I thought to myself. Then, on one sunny morning, Tuesday, I discovered that she is a fellow English w/ writing track major and is in my British Lit class. This was a happy revelation, but not as random (they're aren't many writing track majors here!) as the one I was about to have. Going down the roll list, Mr. Philippian (yeah, isn't that a crazy name for a prof at a Christian school?! Too bad he doesn't teach New Testament Lit!) called out "Sunshine Haven?" "Oh my goodness, Sunshine is her real name," I quickly realized. Being a class of only about 15 students, the roll list wasn't long, but down the list the proffesor went until he hit, "Sunshine Someotherlastname." "Okay, this is too weird! There are two girls named Sunshine in this class...this tiny class?!?! I've never even heard this random name before and WHEN I DO THERE ARE two! How hysterical."

So, ANYway, I really like Sunshine...the first one (I don't really know the other one) :/ ... and she's closer to my age, so hopefully she'll be a potential bud. And, as for today, IT WAS MY FIRST SUNDAY AS AN OFFICIAL UNIV. STUDENT! So, what'd I do? Went church hunting, scrapbooked, did a little more decorating, of course am writing you ;), and later I'm gonna watch a movie my fellow dorm-girlies and, write another letter and have a facial. All of that and no homework, you ask? Nope. Sundays are one of my driving forces during the light at the end of the tunnel, my violet in the snow, my ... well you get the idea. It's a rest day, and I thank God for setting that example. When I've applied this principle in the past, no matter how much homework sat on my desk, I received blessing for it. And, that's just how I'll continue. So, when Angie in Pollyanna sourly asks, "What's sa good about Sunday?" you know what my answer would be!! :D

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