Wednesday, September 15, 2004

From Cliff Himself!...and Walla Walla

If you're into anything other than the typical Milky Way and Snickers bars, then you know about Cliff and Luna Bars. More nutricious, but still hugging that candy bar sweetness. You also know how a typical lecture class is run, walk in, sit down, pray if you go to a Christian school and then the lecture begins and your scribbling notes. That's why when I walked into such a class this morning my curiosity peeked and a little smile appeared when I spotted boxes of Cliff, Luna and MoJo Bars covering a third of my prof's desk. I sat down already being able to taste the sweet density of the Cliff Bar. While plunking my backpack on the floor, the white haired prof began showing slides of himself and other students touring the Middle East ... always with a box of Cliff Bars at hand. There were he, his students, the Pyramids ... and the Cliff Bar. There he was in Israel with is students, and famous ancient church...and the Cliff Bar. And so on through the Middle East. Then he continued telling us of his friendship with the owner of Cliff Bar, projecting photos of Cliff himself in the Berekeley offices, etc. When he told us how Cliff loved the photos of his treasured food item taking a tour of the M.E., he asked how many students his friend the prof had and sent us all Cliff Bars! Mine was chocolate peppermint stick...which took a good amount of time to eat...and the whole story ate up about 7 minutes of lecture...oh, rats of Egypt! ;)

Oh! And Walla Walla. A good looking tall chap began chatting with me in the breakfast line today about this university. He does not attend her I found out, but rather played our soccer team last night. Curious about where he orginated he looked down and remarked, "Walla Walla, Washington." And, then he found out that I just thought that was the coolest name of any location ever. What fun to say! Walla Walla, Washington-again! Walla Walla, Washington! Walla Walla, Washington! (Have I been studying too hard??)

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