Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Cootie Catchers and Other Things

"Do you know how to make cootie catchers??" asked one of my students, holding a piece of paper up to me. Cootie catchers? When I was in elementary school, we just wiped them off on someone else's desk. What a fun new development!

Needless to say, second graders are so cool!...And junior highers. I'm a strange sort to like junior highers I'm told, but it's right after the cootie stage, which makes it comical. :)

In the same spirit, my kids often ask me why in the world I am not married yet, or at least why I don't have a boy friend (mostly at the beginning of the year). So, back in January, I answered, "Because I just haven't found the right guy yet." A little boy, who thereafter became one of my absolute favorite little guys, of course, looked up at me with big, serious eyes, "Find me..." he said. How cute is that?!?!

Ah, second graders rock. :)


Brittany said...

Oh my gosh!
I looove making cootie catchers! It's definitely a good we-have-nothing-to-do fixer upper!!!

Hey, I came up with a grreat comeback for kids who ask the why are you not married question. Just tell 'em that you haven't found a prince yet, but they could help you look for frogs if they want to. The deal is, they have to kiss the frog before they give it to you- just to verify that it really is a prince!!!
He he! Hey, hope your field trip was amazing! Definitely need to talk to you... will try soon! Thanks for the cheery email!
Love, Brittany

Anonymous said...

omigoodness, such a cute have such a gift