Tuesday, September 05, 2006

News Bulletin!

It's Crohn's Disease--not cancer. Though Crohn's is a serious and chronic disease, it is certainly not cancer (thank God!). After my surgery (16 inches of very critical colon was removed), I progressed quickly, but it has now slowed, but remains relatively steady. :) It has not been quite a month since the surgery, but my surgeon is excited about how things are moving along. I can begin working in October (provided I get a job!), and would really appreciate your prayers. Overall, A BIG SHOUT OUT TO GOD! :D


J said...

Why you pint-sized twerp! You never mention this until it's over!?! If you weren't in such delicate condition I'd whoop you a good one! I guess I'll just have to wait until you're feeling better.

Wait, I'm supposed to encourage you to get better more quickly. :^P Ok, no whoopin's.

I'm so glad you're feeling better! Thank the Lord, indeed!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you lately. Hoping that this time of healing is affording you some rest and enjoyable time off. Take it easy friend.

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Wow! I hope you keep recovering quickly. I'm glad you got answers.