YES!!! I just got hired as a fifth grade teacher here in the Bay Area. This, shall we say, was a TOTAL God thing. Literally, every STEP of mine was integral to this. I have not been this excited about a job since....like....2002. I did not realize I wanted to be a teacher until recently when I heard multiple teacher aquaintences asking for prayer requests such as, "I ask for prayer that I actually stay busy this summer instead of just loafing around. I'm planning on taking guitar lessons, going to India and reading this great book. But, hopefully I won't just opt out and watch TV." Ummm, hello! A teacher?? All of a sudden it started sounding...great! Okay, okay, that's not the only reason I want to teach. hehe Actually, I'm stoked about sharing my passion with the kids, especially in history and english. I'm currently in the midst of thinking of fun ideas to make learning adventurous, imaginative and fun. Any ideas? Comment below (please!). God rocks!
Wow! Congrats! May you have an amazing first year. :)
FAR OUT! I don't know about you, but having the entire summer off sounds like a perfectly valid reason to become a teacher!!!
Beach Bunny during the summer,
School Marm the rest of the time!
I SO want to see your kids after you're done with them! I'm thinking yours will be the first class to know every medal winner of every Olympic swimming competition for the last 16 years! Posters of Brendan Hansen on the walls! The kids are going to LOVE you!
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