Friday, May 19, 2006


On the morning of April 29th, 2006 . . .

WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

(From Simpson U.)


Anonymous said...

Lookin good my friend!!!!

Hey, I got your post card! Thank you!! I have e-mailed you a couple times but am wondering if you are still getting mail from the simpson mail box....anyway, let me know so that I can forward it if you aren't.


J said...

Lookin' good indeed! Congratulations!! What a relief to finally finish such a huge chapter in your life.

The world is your oyster! Of course, and oyster is a slimy, gooey creature with a hard, dirty shell! But I'm sure you'll find plenty of pearls.

Anonymous said...


At long last!!!! :)

Amy K said...

Hooray! I know you've been very patient and have worked very hard. Congrats!

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Congratulations Olivia!