Tragedy could have struck our family last night. My sister was supposed to have taken a road trip with four other girls to Montana for our friend's wedding. My parents and I did not feel comfortable about her going on the trip and my darling sister remained open to God's leading. High school swim coaches rarely take on two teams, but, even so, earlier this year my sister decided to head coach two teams anyway. It was that second team that strangely enough decided to hold their awards ceremony on a Wednesday night (last night), the day all the girls were supposed to set out on the road trip. Holly loves the kids on her team and didn't want to miss the ceremony, so, feeling God was working everything out, she decided to fly , catch a different ride with someone in Washington and drive back with the girls.
Late last night we received a call that our friends on the road trip got into a serious car accident and two are in critical condition. It is a very emotional thought realizing Holly could have been in that accident. But, she listened to God. It is so incredibly true that those feelings we sometimes get that we shouldn't go somewhere, participate in a particular activity, etc., are true. That is one way God perserves our lives.
If we obey God, He is truly faithful to work out every detail. My sister set out in her flight not knowing how she would get back after the wedding, but she knew God had it under control. No more than five minutes after she stepped off the plane a friend offered her a return ticket they ended up not needing. God is good! ...And my family still has my sister around--safe and sound.
(P.S.--Pls. pray for the girls and everyone involved. THANK YOU!!)
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Little Lawyer
Most little kids learning to kick and blow bubbles love pretending they are motor boats. The louder their bubbles and faster their kick the faster the motor boat goes. Their smiles and laughter are contagious, so I have really enjoyed teaching this part of swim lessons. When the little tykes stop blowing bubbles or kicking I stop them in middle of the water and exclaim, "Oh no! The motor boat ran out of gas--kick hard and blow bubbles!" Of course they immedietely do so--most of the time. The same routine happened while teaching a little 3-year-old this afternoon. Apparently, he wasn't in a good mood and didn't feel like doing hardly anything except getting out of the pool. Playing motor boat got him kicking, smiling and blowing bubbles earlier this week, so I decided to play that again. Half-way across the pool he stopped kicking and blowing bubbles. With a sly little smile and giggle he exclaimed, "The motor boat ran out of gas." The first time that was cute. But, the other 2,000 times were really annoying. That little-tyke brain had discovered a "loop hole." After about three times I became determined, looked him in the face and said, "Nope! The motor boat didn't run out of gas. I put so much gas in that it couldn't run out ... Kick! Blow bubbles!" When his mom came to the side of the pool with his towel she remarked at the large amount of patience I had, but what went through my mind was that this brilliant little mind should grow up to become a lawyer!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Over Here, Over There
It's a small ironic world after all. Just the other day I received an email from a good friend of mine in D.C., Carrie, saying that she's moving out here, and then, just yesterday, I called to say goodbye to a good friend of mine out here, Sunshine, because she was hopping on a plane to move out to D.C. Stranger still, yesterday, when Sunshine flew across the continent, marked the same exact day I flew to D.C. for the first time. Anyhoo, it'll be really exciting to have my East Coast friend back again and to have my school chum to hang out with in D.C. But, all of this really makes me miss the magic and peaceful atmostphere of Virginia. Too bad Sunshine couldn't pack me in her carry on! Oh well, hopefully I'll get out there next summer. :) For now I'm just excited to have my EC friends moving to the West! Keep'a comin'!
Saturday, May 21, 2005
"Coach Olivia"??
Deciding a long time ago that I was the "ugly duckling" of my swimming family, hearing myself referred to as coach this week was really weird. Five swim teams call some memeber of my family head coach, my sister alone accounting for three of which. My brother, at 14, is obviously not a head coach, but even he is on a coaching staff (he is amazing...!) and teaches competitive swim clinics and lessons. He's got LOADS of talent there--just like everyone else in my fam. My family also owns a thriving swim academy and on-line swim newszine. With all of the "swim talk" penetrating the house, I decided I should just name "swimming" another member of the family (one I often get annoyed with since I am not as stuck to swimming as everyone else). I, on the other hand, am a writer. I became respetorally (sp?)allergic to chlorine in high school, swim decently and usually only find world and university swimming the interesting part of the aquatics spectrum. Last year I began writing for the newszine--which has been great and it has allowed me to get to know swimmers of world esteem. But, I knew I would never coach, teach lessons or be terribly involved. I'm the sun bather on the side of the pool who lays back on the towel covered lounge chair day dreaming and concocting stories and board kicking just to keep in shape (remember, I'm allergic).
This summer has dramatically changed everything. It had always been a cool, but far away dream to be a life guard and, if everything goes according to plan, next Thursday I should walk through the door a regular "Wendy Peffercorn." :) In addition, I became a swim lesson instructor last week. I actually really enjoy that. How amazing is it that my chlorine allergy is going away, also?! Next thing you know I'll be taking part in swim team activity. Hmmm ... Either way, I am still not real excited about my "swimming sibling," but I have warmed up to it a bit. And, it was kinda cool being called "coach." :)
This summer has dramatically changed everything. It had always been a cool, but far away dream to be a life guard and, if everything goes according to plan, next Thursday I should walk through the door a regular "Wendy Peffercorn." :) In addition, I became a swim lesson instructor last week. I actually really enjoy that. How amazing is it that my chlorine allergy is going away, also?! Next thing you know I'll be taking part in swim team activity. Hmmm ... Either way, I am still not real excited about my "swimming sibling," but I have warmed up to it a bit. And, it was kinda cool being called "coach." :)
Friday, May 13, 2005
Ian Thorpe for Men
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The Point of Need
Does God ask us to change all of our problems and issues at once? One of my latest reality checks: not only do people have to change in layers, but they also, many times at least, have to be at a point of major need. God allows certain circumstances to develop which create a major, sometimes desperate need, to envelop our hearts that create a great desire to shed a sinful or hurt layer. Then God pushes us to the next layer. I think we would go crazy trying to change many things, let alone all things, at once. Praise God for His goodness and love despite our many soggy layers.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Du Du Daaaaa!!
Some random acts and newsy stuff:
1) I am finally becoming a life guard. :) (Now I just have to learn to surf...Chris??) And, I've got war stories already--I'll have to blog about those soon!
2) I drank algae--and liked it! (Before you think I'm crazy, it is in my special "green health drink.")
3) And, the results for the psych study I took part in: according to researcher Melissa Hicks, the more extrovertic (is that a word?? if not, add another to O.J.'s book of vocab) you are, the more stimulating the music is that you desire. Some of my absolute fave is alternative, so I guess I'm kinda middle ground or a bit more. I guess.
4) And, some of the biggest news?! I AM NOW A SENIOR!!! Finals are over and I can now do all sorts of things, like in-stress my in-scape...stroll the farmer's market...or watch the Today show. Oh, the bliss.
Extreme days are ahead ... =:D
1) I am finally becoming a life guard. :) (Now I just have to learn to surf...Chris??) And, I've got war stories already--I'll have to blog about those soon!
2) I drank algae--and liked it! (Before you think I'm crazy, it is in my special "green health drink.")
3) And, the results for the psych study I took part in: according to researcher Melissa Hicks, the more extrovertic (is that a word?? if not, add another to O.J.'s book of vocab) you are, the more stimulating the music is that you desire. Some of my absolute fave is alternative, so I guess I'm kinda middle ground or a bit more. I guess.
4) And, some of the biggest news?! I AM NOW A SENIOR!!! Finals are over and I can now do all sorts of things, like in-stress my in-scape...stroll the farmer's market...or watch the Today show. Oh, the bliss.
Extreme days are ahead ... =:D
Monday, May 02, 2005
A Sign Left Behind
He wasn't there. Nearly everytime I pull in and out of the Raley's parking lot I see the same man carving wood with his I'm-in-financial-need-please-buy-a-carving sign (I've always been impressed that he doesn't just simply beg for money). Pulling out of the parking lot Friday after buying supplies for my room I saw what I assumed was his cardboard sign laying on the dirty ground. He wasn't there. As my brain began processing, I decided that since the sign was lying near the convenience store (that also borders the parking lot) that he bought a ticket and won the lottery!!! Good for him. :)
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