Hearing a
Newsie song being sung randomly is not like hearing a the very common
Sound of Music song being sung. (I think Disney killed the movie before it came out, so many people have never seen it and it's usually the die-hards, like me, who watch it over and over and can repeat the movie, songs and dance moves without the movie going.) It's pretty rare. So, catching someone singing one of the movie's songs a couple nights ago in the caf I turned around and exclaimed, "I LOVE that movie!" The girls (yeah, it's mostly girls who are die-hards since the movie is
full of cute really guys...well, they were when we were in high school anyway :) ) returned the passion, "Come watch it with us during open dorms on Thursday night!" So, I did. Expecting to just see 4-5 girls, I was astonished when the dorm room was packed out with both girls
and guys (15-20 of 'em! crammed on the beds and floor). Many had never seen the movie before (and, kudos to the guy who began singing!) and two of the girls up on the bed with me had a
very hard time keeping quiet during the songs, and, at least I know I had a problem staying still during the dancing. So, we all lip-synched through the whole thing, and, yes there were times we broke out singing, the two with the harmony, me with the melody and the accompaniment of course with the guys in the movie...at sounded
so cool! We of course broke out a couple of times with the "Oh my gosh! This is my favorite part!" or "Grrr! Why doesn't he just
tell him?!" type phrases. So, after the movie one of the guys looked at us three girls and said and with a big encompassing hand motion toward us said, "
That is where most of the entertainment was! I spent half the movie just watching
you girls." haha! Then, he looked at me later,

You know the whole movie by heart." Yeah, I do. And I also began writing a sequel back when I was 15, 'til I found out the movie was based on a true story! :D
So, yes, the history, the AMAZING choreography and music, the fight ... you've
gotta see this film. Maybe someday you'll watch it wanna dance around
with me!
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