Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Sea Shell of French Experience

How many times have you dined in an exquizite French restraunt and ate shellfish out of an actual sea shell...a very large sea shell? Exactly. And that's why this super fun, amazing experience made it to my Radical Randomness list for the week of: Oct. 3, 2004 (but, that actually was a magical Saturday night, the 9th)!! While we were enjoying the bounty and fun crafts of Apple Hill for a wonderful girlie weekend, my very cool mom took us (sister, aunt, good friend and I) to a magnificant Victorian mansion for French faire, the wonderful kind of restraunt where you don't always know what you're ordering and your waiter is debaneir (as well as cute!) ... :) This was esp. wonderful because I have been aching to try French food. We also found ourselves endulged in massages and manicures earlier that day which makes me oh so glad Apple Hill is an annual event ... My poor college back and brain need it, and the sea shell was pretty ...

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