Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Handful of People

Something my pastor brought up at church a few months ago inspired my thinking: we should be focusing on just a few people in our lives: ministering to them, forming tighter relationships with them and really spurring them on in Christ. It seems to me Jesus focused on His disciples, but yet He was still able to minister to the masses. But, again, the majority of the time He spent with people, it looks like to me, was with the twelve.
After this principle ripped wildly through my mind I thought, "Hey, this topic would make a rad article!" But, as happens, the plan got pushed aside and I kinda forgot about it. Then, recently, I felt like I was supposed to show up at a Bebo Norman concert...even tho I was tired, it was late, and the concert was already more than half over. After sitting down in the dark auditorium, I wondered why in the world I was there and kept asking God, "I love Bebo and everything, but I'm by myself and I'm tired, so why am I here?" Shortly after the question, under a marriage of colors, Bebo brought one of his passions: the same "handful of people" principle my pastor inspired me with! Immediately I was pretty sure God was reminding me to write the article ... and now to get quotes from Bebo. So at concerts end, I found out he wasn't appearing to sign autographs, but that just the VIPs could aquire a chat with the Beeb. HOWEVER, a contact I had made earlier that evening kinda snuck me in to talk with him. hehe And, after shaking hands and sharing with Bebo my idea, he agreed to give me the quotes to put in my article. (I have to admit this is a fun field I am in ... And, just earlier that day I told God I missed being involved in the Christian music world... I gave the desire to Him essentially and... boy, did I get a quick answer! God rocks!)
So, I am left with this thot, who are my handful of people? And, who are your's? God can really use us to rock their worlds!

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