Sunday, July 11, 2004

Locks of Oops!

Edging on the adventurous side, I finally pulled out my mom's haircutting scissors tonight and chopped away at my long blonde tresses (I had been growing my hair out, but again didn't make it all the way...). I decided to layer it in a fun, cute little Meg Ryan tossled look. And, it was coming along smashingly, until I let my hair down and realized, to my horror, that the first layer had been cut uncorrecttably wrong. The whole front sides of my hair are missing, except for a little on the top. Looking at the ridiculous image in the mirror I immediately began thinking of hats ... Then, the possibly saving idea of a new trendy short due crossed my mind, but I'm not so sure short hair is very becoming on me. Oh, dear. Then, I decided to dawn an even more adventurous spirit and let my mother see what she can do with it ... Yes, she can probably fix it! Oh, when will she be home?! Please come! (I really crack myself up!)

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