Sure, it was a time when mohawks, neon tresses and girls with only half a head of hair were common sites, not to mention crazy punk rockers, but it was also a time when life was much more simple. We were creative kids. I remember my group of neighborhood friends, etc., always dreaming up imaginary worlds to play in, like "lost kids in the forrest" (of course, it helped that
I grew up in the country). We were kids who, if we put our whole selves into it, could do anything ("kid power!"), like save our homes and communities, make sure right prevailed and become anything we wanted. We were inventive (think Data in Goonies [I actually was friends with a kid kind of like him] and Elliot's "phone home" invention) adventurous, and much more outdoorsy.
At that time, in many regards, life made so much more sense to me. The times were fun and life was more...real...more organic in feel.