Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's Not MY Randomosity (this time) ;)

Oh, my very cool little kids . . . :)

Okay, so you're up in the front of the classroom teaching arithmetic. "So you cross out the 6, change it to a 5 and borrow 10 ..." Then, as is typical, a student raises their hand (in compliance with rule #2: "When the teacher is speaking..."), a little boy in this case, probably with a question asking why we're borrowing 10 and not 1 or something...

"Yes, Johnny*?" I ask.

"Did you know that last year I went on a really fast rollercoaster at Great Flags and it was really fun, but I wouldn't take my pet turtle on it 'cause his shell would probably crack...but I would take my hamster because . . ."

"Oh, Johnny, yes, that is very interesting. I'm sure it was fun, but...this is math..."


After a visit with the head of the primary department a bit before Christmas, Petey walks through the door with a candy cane and hands it to the teacher.

"Why, thank you, Petey*. But, where did you get this?"

"Mrs. Sussex* had them out in her room for free," he responded.

"Are you ssshhhhure it was free?" the teacher questioned, suspicious.

"Yeah," Petey said confused, but confident. "It was in a box that said 'sugar free candy canes'..."

*Names changed because, duh, you know why