Thursday, December 22, 2011

Continue the Merriment and Learning After Christmas

There is so much build-up to Christmas, that, if your are like me, the next day tends to feel kind of glum. However, one can continue the merriment by celebrating the little-known holidays between Christmas and New Year's.

Dec. 26, National Candy Cane (National Confectioners Association): Many children build up a vast assortment of candy canes during the Christmas season, and this is the day to put them to use! Here are some activities to get you started: research the story of the candy cane here and here ; create fun crafts, like this mouse or this peppermint pointsettia; concoct yummy candy cane truffles; and hold a candy cane relay race.

December 26th is also National Thank-you Note Day: the perfect opportunity to have your children send out thank-you cards to far-away relatives for gifts received (maybe a hand-crafted candy cane-themed card?).

Dec. 28, Pledge of Allegiance Day: Why wait until July to promote patriotic fun and learning? Check out Home of Heroes for the story behind these important words, view Red Skelton's inspiring rendition of the pledge, and then log onto to create your own flag.

Have a very merry post-CHRISTmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lessons I Learned While Christmas Shopping

1) Beware of the Target toy aisles... Marching flourescent frogs and harried shopping carts will trample you!

2) By far, the most entertaining experience at Borders is waiting in line. Afterall, the "line aisle" (for lack of a better term) is the only location in the store where you can find the little boxes of magnetic structures that repel eachother. The fun here? You can bounce and flip them off each other, of course! Sure to cure any and all line boredom (shhh!). :)
3) In the hustle and bustle of holiday traffic, one should not follow a County Connection bus too closely, especially when its lights begin flashing. You may never get home...

4) Even if your merry, Santa hat clad cashier acknowledges your coupon, do not count on them actually using it. In the holiday rush, they may forget--and it's not fun getting back into a line 40 people long!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

2010 Gift Rankings

Most Unusual: a large, unmarked Christmas bag with only a disposable fork inside (What does this mean??)

Most Unexpected: a spray of "diamonds and saphires" (brooch)

Most Priceless: One of my pre-k boys was SO excited about giving me one of his very own toy cars (it winds up and drives all by itself!). He was insistent that it not be left at school because he wanted me to have fun playing with it at home. :) He wrapped it all by himself and even made his own bow. So stinkin' cute!!! We had much fun playing together...

Most Fun: There were so many, but here are a couple: movie tickets and a Barnes and Noble gift card!

Most valuable: a watercolor from one of my students who is going to be a famous artist someday and an email address from my dear 5th grader who is moving back to South Korea in a couple of weeks :( :(

Best Smell: Mmmmm... Sweet pea bath and body set

Best Homemade: It's really a tie: moist pumpkin bread, candied walnuts, and old-fashioned caramel

Most Hillarious Quote: "It's a BUTT WASHER!!" -one of my pre-k girls upon seeing a pink lufa I received as a present. She then proceeded to demonstrate ...

How much to Starbucks this year? : $40

This has been a wonderful year; there were even those who went out of their way to make sure they gifted me with something I could eat ... I am soooo blessed!! :D

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Coming in First

I needed You today. From the moment I opened my eyes and flew out of bed I needed You. The moment I began racing out the door without breakfast, my mind was spinning around a million other tasks and situations that lay before me. I needed You then, and I need You now. Can I just stop this hurried pace, stop for even just a second, and listen? No matter how fast I move my arms, my legs, my mind, nothing will truly be accomplished without looking to You first. My soul's arms are open wide. I am stopping. I am taking a breath...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Eats for Folks w/ Alleriges

Good Eats 1
So, my mom, sister Holly and cousin Michelle inspired me to try yummy new recipes, ones that I could eat even though my list of "can't-eat-foods" is eternally long. Even if you don't have food allergies, this harvest dish (squash, apple and cranberry) is yummy and perfect for fall (which seems to be here already!). Discover the tastiness here:

P.S. If you want to healthfully sweeten this dish, add a little stevia (which is what I think I'm going to do!).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

T.F.T.D. #25 (Uni-Tasking)

A friend of mine wants to know what people think of this article:

This is what I posted in reply:

"I am in love with uni-tasking! I read an article similar to this a couple of years ago and felt soooo much better after reading it. You know, that part of you that feels it should be concentrating is battling the part that lies that what society tells us about multi-tasking is best (get more done!). It just feels more natural to uni-task...more peaceful, calming... One of the best nights of my life was a night spend with the electricity out. I actually began wishing the electricity would permanently go out in my house and office. Aw, breathe... :) God certainly doesn't want us burdened."

What do you think?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

T.F.T.D. #24 (First Ride)

Hey out there. When was the last time you observed a child, other than a family member or close friend, learning how to ride a bike (training wheel-less!) for the first time? Walking down the Iron Horse Trail this evening, I watched a mother and daughter experience that exact experience. It was priceless. The mom, with her blouse blowing in the breeze, held one strong hand in a solid grasp on her daughter's purple bike while jogging and pushing...careful not to let the her little blonde fall. "This is a milestone," she urged softly in her daughter's ear, never letting her eyes off what was in front of them. "It takes baby steps..."

Shortly after I passed them by, and understanding what a beautiful moment I had witnessed between this young mother and daughter, I glanced back and smiled. The girl had veered off into the weeds, but she and her bike were both still standing. This wise mother knew the exact moment to let go. In her care, she gave her daughter the confidence and encouragement to overcome a big feat--successfully.

I was looking for God on this trail, and I found Him speaking to me, through this little girl's first ride.